Friday 12 February 2021

System not working exactly as planned

This letter arrived in the post yesterday, Feb 11th, dated Feb 5th, inviting Mum to have her first Covid Jab on the 4th. I'm sure those dates are arse about face, but not complaining because Mum and I did have our jabs on that date. I'm just hoping we're down in the system as having had them so we get the offer of a second one!


Thursday 4 February 2021

Good News on the Covid19 vaccination front

So, I got a phone call yesterday from the local health board to make an appointment for someone to come out and give Mum her 1st Covid jab. I say appointment. It was actually a sometime between 9 and 5 timeslot. I asked about me getting one at the same time, and was told it was likely to happen but they couldn't guarantee it.

Hey presto, the lady nurse arrived just before 1pm. I did have to go to the end of the drive and wave her in, despite giving instructions that number 11 is next to number 6. Both Mum and I thus got our 1st Astra-Zeneca jabs. It came as a bit of a shock to Mum, as she'd forgotten that she was going to have a jab, but at least she didn't swear when the needle went in.

So now I'm ready to go - absolutely nowhere!!

Good News on the Covid19 vaccination front

So, I got a phone call yesterday from the local health board to make an appointment for someone to come out and give Mum her 1st Covid jab. ...