Sunday 26 March 2023

Cardiff Bay 10K

Was a volunteer at the Cardiff Bay 10K run. We parked for free at the Red Dragon Shopping Centre, a five minute walk from Roald Dahl Plas. I'm finally getting to know how driving in Cardiff hangs together. 

The weather was not the greatest, but in the bag drop we were under cover. It was great to be in the thick of the action, being situated opposite the Millennium Centre and within site of the start/finish line. However, that meant we were short of space.

The cadets at the elite end of the drop wouldn't listen to advice about getting things in number order as they went along, as did the women in the bays on either side of me.

It was chaos with long lines of athletes and I ended up at the back of one of the pens trying my best to help out. Lots of the first time bad drop volunteers will not be doing it again!

Good News on the Covid19 vaccination front

So, I got a phone call yesterday from the local health board to make an appointment for someone to come out and give Mum her 1st Covid jab. ...